En esta página puede encontrar un mapa de ubicación así como una relación de lugares y servicios disponibles en los alrededores de Sculpture Garden: Hoteles, restaurantes, instalaciones deportivas, centros de enseñanza, cajeros automáticos, supermercados, estaciones de servicio y más.
Edificios con nombre cercanos Servicios cercanos a Sculpture Garden Haga clic en la casilla de verificación situada a la izquierda del nombre del servicio para mostrar en el mapa la ubicación de los servicios seleccionados.
Comercio Joyería - 229mKendra Scott Plaza Real, 411 33432 Boca Raton Teléfono: +1-561-430-2520 Email: miznerpark@kendrascott.com Joyería - 385mECJ Luxe Plaza Real, 332 33432 Boca Raton Teléfono: +1-561-353-5216 Ropa - 164mJanie & Jack Plaza Real, 439 33432 Boca Raton Teléfono: +1-561-338-2127 Horario de apertura: Su 12:00-18:00; Mo-Sa 11:00-20:00 Muebles - 324mBaer's Furniture Northeast 10th Street Muebles - 394mZ Gallerie Plaza Real, 309 33432 Boca Raton Teléfono: +1-561-347-5966 Horario de apertura: Sa-Su 11:00-18:00 Optica - 350mVisual Eyes Plaza Real, 333 33432 Boca Raton Teléfono: +1-561-392-8383 Email: info@visualeyesboca.com Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 09:00-18:00 Pastelería - 357mLe Macaron French Pastries Plaza Real, 331 33432 Boca Raton Teléfono: +1-561-245-7281 Horario de apertura: Su-Th 16:00-22:00; Fr-Sa 12:00-22:00 confitería - 336mIT'SUGAR Plaza Real, 339 33432 Boca Raton Teléfono: +1-561-327-9486 Horario de apertura: Su-Sa 13:00-21:00 decoración de interiores - 318mSugarboo & Co Plaza Real, 347 33432 Boca Raton Teléfono: +1-561-465-2407 tienda de camas - 406mHästens Plaza Real, 326 33432 Boca Raton Teléfono: +1-561-801-7340 Email: info@hastensfl.com Horario de apertura: Su 12:00-18:00; Mo-Sa 10:00-21:00 Zapatería - 216mComfort Shoes Plaza Real, 327 33432 Boca Raton Teléfono: +1-561-393-9955 arte - 316mWolf Gallery West Plaza Real, 351 33432 Boca Raton Teléfono: +1-561-245-7678 Horario de apertura: Su 12:00-18:00; Mo-Sa 11:00-20:00 tabaco - 292mVape and Smoke Shop North Dixie Highway, 555 tabaco - 304mLoft Hookah Lounge North Dixie Highway, 555 Regalos - 281mEdible Arrangements North Dixie Highway, 555 casa de empeño - 581mBoca Raton Pawn North Federal Highway, 1013 33432 Boca Raton Teléfono: +1-561-347-8635 Email: info@bocaratonpawn.com centro comercial - 346mMizner Park East Plaza RealTurismo Artesanía - 13mTête au carré (Square Head) Sculpture Garden Sonso's conceptual works focus on the near obliteration of the figurative form into voids and solids. His "squared heads" are his most iconic forms, with this version weighing 1,400 lbs and carved from a single piece of marble. Artesanía - 37mSpace Station Sculpture Garden Here a coffeepot teeters atop precariously stacked cups and saucers alluding to Latin American societal inequity and an economy built by wealthy coffee plantation owners on the backs of impoverished, indentured farm workers. Artesanía - 30mMusic Power II Sculpture Garden Sliced, smashed or burned musical instruments were the artist’s most recognizable symbolic objects, as seen here with the numerous violoncellos and bows forming Music Power II. Artesanía - 84mBronze #35 Plaza Real, 501 Artesanía - 111mLe Courage Boca Raton Museum of Art Colonnade Artesanía - 137mMending Wall Northeast 5th Street Artesanía - 101mPink Lady Hare Dancing with Big Brown Dog Northeast Mizner Boulevard Artesanía - 32mLady with Angel Sculpture Garden Sweeping lines and rough surfaces are the hallmark of Binkele's refined depictions of female figures and horses. Artesanía - 27mPinecone 2 Sculpture Garden A discarded jet engine core is combined with paddle blades used to control and direct the flow of a molten steel pour. Artesanía - 22mNodes IVm Sculpture Garden Liberman focused his artistic vocabulary on a hard-edged, geometric style, most often featuring undulating and bisected circular forms. Artesanía - 17mCage Plaza Real, 590 This work plays with positive and negative space and possesses repetitive lattice-like elements and sharp terminations toward the sky. Artesanía - 15mSUNRISE east may Plaza Real, 590 SUNRISE east may is one in a series of 12 giant masks, each named for a month of the year. Here a child’s head playfully protrudes from a shark costume, giving it a hint of mischief. Artesanía - 37mCount Adolph and Countess Henrietta de Hoernle Sculpture Garden Countess Henrietta de Hoenrle was honored in 2011 on her 99th birthday by unveiling a bronze statue of her and her late husband, Count Adolph de Hoernle. Artesanía - 19mDonut with Balls and Half Moon Sculpture Garden Basic shapes such as a circle, cylinder, and sphere lean against or stack atop each other, presenting a tension between stability and precariousness. Artesanía - 37mApe & Cat (A Large Swoon) Sculpture Garden Artesanía - 36mDonut with Balls and Half Moon Sculpture Garden Artesanía - 25mMeridian Sculpture Garden Artesanía - 26mThe Cloud Wall Sculpture Garden Artesanía - 77mMarty's Cube Plaza Real, 501 Artesanía - 100mBoca Banners Boca Raton Museum of Art Colonnade Five colorful banners commissioned by the Boca Raton Museum of Art for installation at their entry. Artesanía - 46mEat More Beef Plaza Real, 501 Scott centers her artistic creations on wildlife from elegantly souring eagles to majestically resting hogs as seen here. Museo - 68mBoca Raton Museum of Art Plaza Real, 501 33432 Boca Raton Teléfono: +1 561-392-2500 Email: info@bocamuseum.org Museo - 148mBoca Raton Museum of Art Northeast 5th Street